Candidates for Clayton County sheriff got a chance to talk nearby their plans if elected.

Four of the five candidates attended a forum Tuesday night at the Tabernacle of Praise Church. They answered questions from a panel, as well as from the audience.

Mickey Garber and more than a hundred others expressed up at the forum to find out which candidate for Clayton County sheriff will be best for the county.

"What would they do in law enforcement to make our lives better and safer," Garber demanded to know.

The candidates were expected a wide array of questions, including the safety of staff and inmates just a day at what time the medical examiner confirmed a detainee's death in November was ruled a homicide. They also discussed crime, conditions in the jail and irritable health.

"I would hire a crisis negotiation team, crisis intervention team they would come in and deal with the irritable illness," said Dwayne Fabian.

"I would develop a special board unit with officers trained in CIT and medical staff housed in the units," said Chris Storey.

They also discussed staffing at the jail.

"We don't have enough staff in the jail, and huge problem," said Clarence Cox.

"I'll put farmland in place, if you take care of your employees you take care of the whole county," said Terry Evans.

The men are proceeding for sheriff to fill the remainder of Victor Hill's term.

Last fall, a federal jury censured Hill of violating the constitutional rights of detainees by strapping them into restraint chairs for hours at a time.

Chief Deputy Rolan Boehrer initially manufactured the interim sheriff, when he retired, LaVon Allen was visited interim sheriff.

Allen is also running for sheriff, but was not at the forum.

The special electioneer is March 21.